3楼Carey(03 May 2018, China)@Murphy 非常感谢你的回复。 我已经开始准备雅思考试了。 然后再问一个小问题,我的partner与我一起申请的话需要什么证明吗?我们没有什么证书的。@TA
4楼MurphyL1(04 May 2018, New Zealand)@Carey: 如果想以Partner的身份申请,需要提供以下证明:
Immigration New Zealand defines partnership as two people of the opposite or same sex, who live together in a genuine and stable relationship in any of the following:
- legal marriage - civil union - de facto relationship. When you apply for a visa based on your partnership with a New Zealand visa holder or New Zealand citizen, we call that person your supporting partner.
You and your supporting partner must: - be aged 18 or over, or if they're aged 16 or 17 years, have the consent of their parents or guardians - have met each other before applying for a visa based on your partnership - not be close relatives.
Partnership requirements You must be able to show us that you're living together in a genuine and stable relationship before we can grant you a visa based on your partnership.
Living together means sharing the same home as your partner, which doesn’t include:
spending time in each other’s homes while you each maintain your own home sharing accommodation while on holiday flatmate arrangements.
Assessing partnership When we assess if you meet our partnership requirements, we'll look at things like:
-how long you’ve been together -how long you've been living together as a couple -your living arrangements -whether you support each other financially -how you share financial responsibilities -how committed you are to a life together -whether you own property together and/or share your property any children you have together, including your arrangements for their care -whether you share common household tasks -whether other people recognise your relationship.
5楼t2L1(04 Oct 2018, China)@Christiee: 我也想读幼教,但英语不行。只有本科毕业证,没有学位证,能申请到读商科硕士吗?@TA
6楼cmj721(05 Oct 2018, Hongkong)如果这个入读的课程是为了移民做准备的,而你又没信心通过雅思4个7的话,您可以考虑入读一些对本科背景无要求且有实习项目的课程,增加毕业后的就业成功几率,这类课程商科居多。目前我知道的有这样几个:怀大的硕士MBM(这个课程的实习只有一个月), 太平洋酒店管理学院(这个学校是个私立学校,实习问题我们跟校方沟通过,带薪的。只要你多沟通,他们会积极配合推荐并有较大机会转正),再者好像听说基督城的某个学校也会有相似的项目出现。希望我的回答能够帮到你。@TA
#7Maxine01 May 2018 New Zealand请教标题问题, 关于无犯罪证明原件 这一问题
提交的时候 是提交无犯罪证明原件+翻译件? 还是 无犯罪证明原件+ 无犯罪证明公证书? 移民局官网的书写If you provide a police certificate that is not in English, you must provide an English translation.This includes police certificates that record no convictions. 我不确定是原件 还是公证书?
2楼MurphyL1(08 May 2018, New Zealand)我所有提交的无犯罪记录证明是:公证处的公证件(带国内翻译)+新西兰翻译件(带彩色无犯罪记录复印件)@TA
#2spurL202 May 2018 China因为大学学校不在nzqa免认证学校清单。只能到nzqa网站查认证资料,官方要求的资料如下,全贴出来了。 第一个问题,第一条中的第三方授信表单?因为没有什么adviser或lawyer,是不是就不用签了,只写上自己大名扫描回去就行。然后又出来一个问题,姓名怎么填?人还在国内,压根没英文名,再说证件上也都是中文名,什么application full name很懵逼。 继续疑问,第四条,要求护照中的一页,我护照也是新办,下下周到手,没有任何签证记录,是不是不受影响? 最大的疑问,最后一条Skill shortage list form,If your purpose is immigration,我目标是移民,觉得这段很重要。问题是学校专业是网络工程,工作基本是在做程序员,都属计算机相关,但不太对口。这里按照毕业证写网络工程师,纠结到后面查工作经历会有麻烦。请大家不吝赐教。谢谢。
Third party authorisation form: This form requires your signature and the signature of an adviser or lawyer acting as your agent, if applicable. It states that the information you have provided is true and accurate, and that you give NZQA permission to contact third parties for further information when needed. It also authorises an agent to act on your behalf. This form must be uploaded as part of your application. The declaration form is available for download from this page, and also within the application itself.
Download the authorisation form (PDF, 216KB)
Award certificate: This is a document issued by your awarding body. You might receive this at a graduation ceremony following the completion of your course.
Transcript/academic record/mark sheet: This document should contain a full academic record for all years of study, and include the titles of classes/modules/papers you completed, and marks.
If you completed a full semester or more with a different education provider and details of this are not included on your transcript, Qualifications Recognition Services (QRS) may need to seek further information from you.
If you are applying under a skill shortage list or for teacher registration purposes but cannot provide a transcript (e.g., your awarding body did not offer them at the time), you must supply a syllabus of your programme of study. The syllabus must show the curriculum that was used at the time you completed the programme.
Passport bio-data page: This is the section of your passport that shows your photograph, name, date of birth, and nationality.
Evidence of name change: If your current legal name (the name that is listed on your passport) is different from the name listed on your award certificate/s, you must provide evidence of your name change. This could be a marriage certificate or deed poll.
Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience: If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship.
QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade.
Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application. We do not need certified copies of the underpinning qualifications.
English translations: If your qualification documents were not issued in English, we require an English translation by a recognised official translation service for each document.
English translations must be carried out by one of the following:
the Translation Service of Internal Affairs (IA) an Embassy or High Commission a private or official translation business. Translations must be certified and may not be prepared by the person applying for the visa, a member of their family, or an immigration adviser helping with the application.
Translations may not be prepared by the applicant, a member of their family, or an immigration adviser helping with the application.
Note we still need to see evidence of the documents in the original language.
Visit the Department of Internal Affairs Translation Service
Skill shortage list form: If your purpose is immigration, and you are applying under a Skill Shortage List (e.g., the Long Term Skill Shortage List or Immediate Skill Shortage List), download and complete this form and upload it within the online application. If you do not include this form in your application we will not assess your qualification against a skill shortage list.
Download the Skill Shortage List Form (PDF, 39KB) 回复
我是一名在读英国硕士商科人力资源专业,对移民新西兰非常有兴趣,希望能得到您的帮助。 困惑1:我个人打算申请银蕨签证,master是university of leeds,不知道能不能豁免雅思要求呢? 困惑2:这个银蕨签证申请的对于硕士生来讲,2年工作是属于硬性条件吗?应届生不可以申请吗? 困惑3:商科领域就业问题,人力资源对口应该非常难吧? 困惑4:如果我个人不符合银蕨签证,那么可以申请旅游签或者WORKING HOLIDAY VISA来吗?哪种会更方便呢? 非常感谢,希望能得到指点。 All the best, Jerry.
2楼cgaocn(05 Nov 2018, New Zealand)豁免信息可以在网上查到 银蕨对学历有要求,不是对学历和工作经验双要求 就业难易看个人能力 whv需要经过LMC@TA
#7bymarsL111 May 2018 China根据下面移民局SMC的要求,是不是可以理解为,一年英国的master,就可以证明配偶的英语能力了。(另外我查了这个英国的master是需要做NZQA认证的,不过这个应该不影响吧)
we'll ask for evidence that one of the following applies to your partner: they have a recognised qualification comparable to New Zealand level 8 or above, gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America. It'll need to have involved at least 1 year of study in one or more of those countries.
2楼bymarsL1(16 May 2018, China)有人理我吗?主要是不确定我的理解是不是正确。毕竟到时候真需要雅思成绩又没准备的话就晚了。 如果有硕士1年免除雅思成绩的成功案例的话,我就比较安心了@TA
3楼MurphyL1(17 May 2018, New Zealand)@bymars: 根据移民局Feburary 2018的册子如下,所以可以豁免。
a recognised qualification comparable to a New Zealand qualification at level 8 or above and gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom or the United States of America as a result of study undertaken for at least one academic year in one or more of those countries.
5楼vivian(24 May 2018, China)应该不冲突,但是提交EOI的时候让选择人在国内还是国外@TA
6楼lionsoul(24 May 2018, China)@vivian: 是的,这就是矛盾的地方。万一SMC还没批下来我就过去了,这个流程要怎么走?审批的办公室都不一样了吧。但又不想浪费几个月时间等过去了再申请smc。这个之前EOI分数够,而且有job offer的朋友都是怎么处理的?@TA
7楼MurphyL1(25 May 2018, New Zealand)@vivian: 先申请工签工作,然后提交EOI.@TA
8楼yanxiaodiL1(25 May 2018, New Zealand)你可以在国内提交,在处理的过程中,申请一个工签先过来。两个不冲突。过来后再跟移民局联系下把当前状况说一下就行了。主要是改改地址电话什么的。@TA
9楼bymarsL1(25 May 2018, China)@lionsoul: 简单来说:对的,需要再申一个work visa 原因就是你现在只有offer,但你需要一个visa来允许你到新西兰工作。 SMC和work visa都是可以的。按照你说的情况,SMC没下来,需要去工作,所以肯定要再申一个work visa
1. 有流利的英语能力但是没有考雅思认证,是否必须报名考?
2. Seek上的工作需要哪些前提才可以投递?
3. 如果面试成功,是否就可以直接过去工作?这个离岸offer跟自己递交的EOI有什么关系?是否依然需要在出国前递交EOI?
提前感谢。 回复
关注你的博客已久,它对想要移民的人来讲帮助太大了。我一直在这里找资料支持!感谢您的信息分享!我想请问一下,本人年纪偏大已经37,在跨国企业就职,英文尚可,本科211管理学学士,985的单证工程硕士,目前职位是IT project manager,就我的情况而言,学术背景不强,申博很勉强,去学PGD感觉性价比不高,新政以后不知道还能不能进行off shore的申请。而且本人虽然是IT,但不具有编程等技术,早年是做ERP类管理系统的实施,后来转Infrastructure,工作也一直是偏管理,中介的意见是先去念商科,我对此有点不知所以,望Jack能指点迷津,谢谢。 回复
目前1月份入职了一家世界五百强集团的孙子辈公司(公司内部乱成一锅粥)任互联网产品经理。打算待至少一年再开始办理技术移民(ICT Business analysist)的事情。
而且就算成功出去了,面试的时候谈工作经历也没什么优势(比起MS Oracle的大神差太多了,比BAT也有很大差距)
啰里啰嗦写了一堆,谢谢! 回复
谢谢 回复
请各位前辈不吝赐教! 回复
但是很多其他移民代理的网页介绍 说还需要提供户口簿证明和 亲属证明 ,请问是否有必要提交户口簿证明和亲属公证?
万分感谢 回复
提交的时候 是提交无犯罪证明原件+翻译件?
还是 无犯罪证明原件+ 无犯罪证明公证书?
移民局官网的书写If you provide a police certificate that is not in English, you must provide an English translation.This includes police certificates that record no convictions.
我不确定是原件 还是公证书?
万分感谢 回复
第一个问题,第一条中的第三方授信表单?因为没有什么adviser或lawyer,是不是就不用签了,只写上自己大名扫描回去就行。然后又出来一个问题,姓名怎么填?人还在国内,压根没英文名,再说证件上也都是中文名,什么application full name很懵逼。
最大的疑问,最后一条Skill shortage list form,If your purpose is immigration,我目标是移民,觉得这段很重要。问题是学校专业是网络工程,工作基本是在做程序员,都属计算机相关,但不太对口。这里按照毕业证写网络工程师,纠结到后面查工作经历会有麻烦。请大家不吝赐教。谢谢。
Third party authorisation form: This form requires your signature and the signature of an adviser or lawyer acting as your agent, if applicable. It states that the information you have provided is true and accurate, and that you give NZQA permission to contact third parties for further information when needed. It also authorises an agent to act on your behalf. This form must be uploaded as part of your application. The declaration form is available for download from this page, and also within the application itself.
Download the authorisation form (PDF, 216KB)
Award certificate: This is a document issued by your awarding body. You might receive this at a graduation ceremony following the completion of your course.
Transcript/academic record/mark sheet: This document should contain a full academic record for all years of study, and include the titles of classes/modules/papers you completed, and marks.
If you completed a full semester or more with a different education provider and details of this are not included on your transcript, Qualifications Recognition Services (QRS) may need to seek further information from you.
If you are applying under a skill shortage list or for teacher registration purposes but cannot provide a transcript (e.g., your awarding body did not offer them at the time), you must supply a syllabus of your programme of study. The syllabus must show the curriculum that was used at the time you completed the programme.
Passport bio-data page: This is the section of your passport that shows your photograph, name, date of birth, and nationality.
Evidence of name change: If your current legal name (the name that is listed on your passport) is different from the name listed on your award certificate/s, you must provide evidence of your name change. This could be a marriage certificate or deed poll.
Evidence of apprenticeship or trade experience: If you completed a formal apprenticeship, send QRS the contract of apprenticeship. This would have been issued to you by your employer, and will include the dates you started and completed the apprenticeship.
QRS cannot assess stand-alone work experience and/or competency-based certificates. Depending on the pathway of the trade qualification, NZQA may not be the appropriate body to assess your skill set, abilities and/or competency in a specific area of trade.
Evidence of underpinning qualifications: If you nominate a qualification for assessment that is at a higher level than a bachelor's degree but not the qualifications that underpin it, we need to see the educational pathway that allowed entry to that higher-level programme. For example, if you wish to have a master's degree evaluated, but not your bachelor's degree, we need information about the bachelor's degree. You can do this by uploading scanned copies of that qualification certificate as part of your online application. We do not need certified copies of the underpinning qualifications.
English translations: If your qualification documents were not issued in English, we require an English translation by a recognised official translation service for each document.
English translations must be carried out by one of the following:
the Translation Service of Internal Affairs (IA)
an Embassy or High Commission
a private or official translation business.
Translations must be certified and may not be prepared by the person applying for the visa, a member of their family, or an immigration adviser helping with the application.
Translations may not be prepared by the applicant, a member of their family, or an immigration adviser helping with the application.
Note we still need to see evidence of the documents in the original language.
Visit the Department of Internal Affairs Translation Service
Skill shortage list form: If your purpose is immigration, and you are applying under a Skill Shortage List (e.g., the Long Term Skill Shortage List or Immediate Skill Shortage List), download and complete this form and upload it within the online application. If you do not include this form in your application we will not assess your qualification against a skill shortage list.
Download the Skill Shortage List Form (PDF, 39KB) 回复
困惑1:我个人打算申请银蕨签证,master是university of leeds,不知道能不能豁免雅思要求呢?
困惑4:如果我个人不符合银蕨签证,那么可以申请旅游签或者WORKING HOLIDAY VISA来吗?哪种会更方便呢?
All the best,
Jerry. 回复
we'll ask for evidence that one of the following applies to your partner:
they have a recognised qualification comparable to New Zealand level 8 or above, gained in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, the United Kingdom, or the United States of America. It'll need to have involved at least 1 year of study in one or more of those countries. 回复
在Jack的网站上学到很多,但在这里发布的时候一直提示错误,无法发布,只能贴个地址了,希望对大家有所帮助。 回复